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Find Yourself on an Adventure

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Extraordinary retreats that go beyond a typical getaway. Experience adventure, breathtaking destinations, inner peace and community on a journey that leave you inspired and transformed. 

Sign up, show up, and let me take care of everything!

"This trip was amazing! Jodye curated the perfect experience for sure. All of the sites were beautiful & the places we stayed were so comfortable and nice after a day of exploring. Jodye took care of all the details, including my dietary restrictions, so all I had to do was enjoy myself. I can’t wait to go on another retreat with her!!"  - Katie S., Peru 2023

“To travel is to take a journey into yourself.”
– Danny Kaye


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July 20-27, 2024
1-day SHort Inca Trail
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July 27- August 3, 2024
Women's Retreat
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What do guests say about kula adventures?

"This trip was everything I was hoping for and MORE!! Not only are you surrounded by beautiful sights but also amazing people, food, and hotels. This trip was planned to the T and was also very flexible for anyone needing extra time to relax! Not only were you encouraged to try new things but also to take time for yourself! My favorite parts were all the picnics that were planned! They were all so beautiful and had great food. This was truly an amazing once in a lifetime experience!" - Mackayla R. Peru 2023

“Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of.” – Roy T. Bennett
what does kula adventures mean?

Kula, or “community” in Sanskrit, lies at the heart of our mission. At Kula Adventures, we are dedicated to creating a vibrant sense of community among our retreat guests, while also providing opportunities for them to contribute and make a difference to the local communities we visit though local initiatives.

STart your next adventure
“To travel is to take a journey
into yourself.” – Danny Kaye
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design by Krisha Redillas
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